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Having a cold is amazing!

13 Nov 2023
life health
Your throat starts scratching, the nose runs away, your head feels like put into cotton, you drink water all day and run half a marathon between your chair and the loo, you sneeze and cough and scare off anyone with a speck of good sense! But the truly beautiful aspect of it all? Once you are finally done with a cold, you can truly appreciate your “being healthy”, instead of just taking it for granted,...

ICKL-6, here I come!

04 Sep 2023
research languages conference
Today my dear friend Raman and I travel to Frankfurt in order to attend the International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics! So psyched! :D

Setting up my academic life

17 Aug 2023
I never had anything close to “my own blog” before and I am not sure if I will get used to all these “social media” that seem to be used in academia so much… But I will give it a try and see how it turns out! :D Worst case: I produce a lot of senseless text data that can later be used to train a “Christian-Model” for future generations to converse with! ;D

Check-up at the ear doctor

16 Jun 2023
health silly
Today, my ear doctor Jan-Philipp Kahl told me, I have the cleanest ears he has seen all day!