2023 - 2024 (Teaching and working at university level)
As part of the “D³ Innovation Lab” project, an initiative to further student’s data literacy, I held a workshop and worked in teaching. Lead by Stephan Leible and Dr. Maren Gierlich-Joas. (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics)
- In a workshop I introduced students to a 3D-room planner software.
Afterwards the students, in groups of 2-3, designed an exploration room and documented their process and decisions.
Their designs are supposed to be the basis for an actual room at the University of Hamburg, providing students a place to work and study in groups or alone.
- As part of a seminar in the fall of 2023, I held a lecture and tutored groups of students.
The aim was to help them to define their own research question, explore related research and work towards a written elaboration of their topic.
Autumn 2021 (Exams)
- Grading exams of the university module Dialoguesystems (ger: Sprachdialogsysteme) by Dr. Timo Baumann. (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics)
Spring 2021 (Exercise groups)
- Tutoring students in exercise classes of Software development 2 (ger: Softwareentwicklung 2) by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Riebisch. (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics)
Autumn 2020 (Exercise groups)
- Tutoring students in exercise classes of Software development 1 (ger: Softwareentwicklung 1) by Prof. Dr. Walid Maalej. (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics)
Autumn 2019 (Mentoring students)
- Mentoring of freshmen computer science students. (University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics)
2015 - 2021 (Teaching and working at school level)
- From 2015 until 2021, I actively supported teaching by helping children with learning disabilities and other challenges (grades 5 to 10).
- Starting 2017 I additionally supported in the management of study and teaching materials.
- In 2021 I taught a summer course in math as part of the “Hamburger Lernferien”.